Posted 01st September 2017

Ultion filmed saving homeowners from burglars

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to do it,” says thief

A real-life video of thieves trying to break through a door with an Ultion cylinder for over three minutes and failing has been posted on the @UltionLock Twitter feed by a happy homeowner.

Amjid Khan was out for the day when his neighbours called him to say they thought someone had tried to break in. “When I got home, I saw the house was secure but someone had snapped the handle and the external barrel of the cylinder lock. However, the main part of the cylinder was still in the door and stopped the burglars getting in. When I saw what happened I contacted a locksmith immediately – and later that day I tweeted to recommend Ultion to everyone I knew.”

“The two sacrificial sections on Ultion had been snapped and the cylinder had gone into ‘Lock Down Mode’”, explains Nick Dutton, CEO of Brisant Secure, which makes Ultion. “The burglars couldn’t get to the attack lock because it was protected deep inside a solid molybdenum core – 25% denser than iron – and secured with a dedicated retaining pin. You can hear how easily the handle got snapped off, but they couldn’t open the door because Ultion was still secure

Amjid has a video doorbell fitted and recorded two burglars trying to break in, and One asks the other for a screwdriver before admitting defeat, saying; “I don’t think we’re able to do it”.

“The Ultion lock came as standard on my door. I’d asked the installer for a decent lock but didn’t realise how it was until after the fact! I’m just so glad it stopped them getting in. It looks like they tried for more than three minutes.”

Amjid continues: “I specifically asked my locksmith for the same replacement lock and I’m upgrading the lock on the back door to Ultion too. I’ve recommended it to all my family and friends.”

In fact, Amjid’s locksmith suggested Brisant’s new high security handle Lock Lock, together with an Ultion cylinder. Lock Lock’s seamless, curved, design means it’s harder to remove the handle with mole grips, and it provides an extra layer of security when the internal switch activates the spindle block, to give homeowners like Amjid extra peace of mind when they’re in the house.

Amjid adds: “I can’t recommend Ultion enough. It stopped some scumbags getting into my house and they did their best.”

For more information on real-life security from Ultion and Lock Lock visit and and follow @UltionLock and @LockLockSecure.