Posted 20th September 2015

ULTImate Ultion support

It could be argued that Ultion doesn’t really need tools and support to help our customers sell it. The growth has been phenomenal and within only a few months it is already the most popular lock within the Brisant range. But the messages that Ultion comes with are so powerful and effective it’s too easy to just keep producing fantastic ways of making it even easier for our customers to deliver these messages.

Presentation case

This week we are launching our multi-purpose presentation case. ‘Multi-purpose’ because it has been developed to work as both a mobile presentation case and a counter top display. The inside top of the lid is lined with a lenticular so that when the case is opened the image quickly changes to show how the remarkable lockdown pin operates when attacked. Most sample cases go as far as putting the samples into foam and leaving you to do the work, but as soon as you open the Ultion case the key headline messages are pointed out for you. Even Ultion’s unique 11 pin operation is visible inside a lock with a nifty cut-away lock. More on the case here.

Wall decorations

No high street locksmith or window and door showroom would be complete without using the wall space to promote the messages. The new Ultion poster graphically explains why with an Ultion lock your customer can lock their doors properly. It even spells out the enormous difference between a TS007 3* lock and the Sold Secure Diamond accreditation.

Ultion on your site 

We are driving some 1500 visitors every week to the new Ultion homeowner site Our customers are free to simply link to this site, but the danger with doing this is visitor loss. Nobody wants to send their visitor to another site and potentially lose a customer. That’s why we developed a range of banners and a dedicated web page. Nearly 100 customers have already copied the banner script onto their website so they can not only present Ultion quickly and simply on their own site but the link goes to a completely safe Ultion page where the only link is back to your own site. Full details are here.

Find Ultion Near You

With so much traffic coming to the Ultion site and so many customers wanting to lock their doors properly we need to make sure they find you. So for every customer that incorporates a banner on their website they get an automatic listing on our ‘Find Ultion Near You’ listing. The customer tells us their postcode and we give them your details. Visit the Ultion site and see how it works.

The best lock, with the best reasons to buy and the best tools.


Ultion marketing support leaflet

Ultion marketing support leaflet