In our September Key Business Updates newsletter (click to view) we announced the introduction of a currency calculator effective from December 1st. With the UK exchange rate experiencing the most turbulence ever this mechanism gives our customers complete transparency with regard to prices paid.

The mechanism works to a rate of 3% for every whole $0.05 movement in the exchange rate and can result in price improvements. To further avoid confusion we will only change the rate once a month. The exchange rate on the last day of the month will trigger the respective rate.

The applicable rate at any time will be shown on this page. Actual product prices shown on order confirmations and and invoices will not be affected by the currency calculation. For clarity we will show this as a separate line.

Since we announced the calculator we have already seen Sterling move from being in the 9% bracket to now (16 November) nearly being in the 3% bracket. We are hoping that this will only be a short term measure so we will review it after 12 months.

The current currency calculator percentage is xx%